Please Don't Smoke

Please Don't Smoke
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Copyrighted and produced by Mike Runnels for the Little Scooters CD Tippy-Toe, Lucky Penny Productions. See copyright information below.*

Mommie, daddie, please don't smoke.
Smoking is bad and it's bad for you,
it's bad for me and my baby brother too,
it smells real bad and it makes me cough,
so mommie, daddie, please don't smoke.
Smoking is bad and it's bad for you,
it makes you sick and that's not good,
mommie, daddie, i love you,
so mommie, daddie, please don't smoke.
so mommie, daddie, please don't smoke.
Smoking is bad and it's bad for you,
it makes you sick and that's not good,
mommie, daddie, i love you,
so mommie, daddie, please don't smoke.
so mommie, daddie, please don't smoke.
so mommie, daddie, please don't smoke.
so mommie, daddie, please don't smoke.
please don't smoke, please don't smoke,
please don't smoke, please don't smoke ...smoking's bad!

*Copyright notice. Permission to feature this song on the NIEHS Kids' Pages was provided by Mike Runnels, copyright holder. All material on is protected by copyright law and by international treaties. You may download this material and make reasonable number of copies of this material only for your own personal use. You may not otherwise reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, or create derivative works of this material, unless authorized by the appropriate copyright owner(s).

sick guy
For Parents

Learn more about the dangers of smoking from Mama Didn't Know and