Double-Speak Proverbs!

Double-Speak Proverbs! Double-Speak Proverbs!

Scientists have to challenge well-known facts of one type or another every day. They must do this to ensure that they find new ways of doing things and do not accept any "fact" or truth at face value simply because it is a long-standing belief.

The following proverb brainteasers also represent well known facts...old sayings that have been relied on for hundreds of years. You've probably used these proverbs, or at least have heard them used at some point in your life. But for this brainteaser quiz, they have been re-written using BIG WORDS that mean essentially the same thing, but sound a whole lot different. We think you'll agree that they sound much better and make a lot more sense in their original forms, which relied on plain and simple English!


Read the descriptions provided below and try to guess which proverb (old saying) they each represent. You could write all the answers in the blocks provided, and then check the answers after you have done them all. Or you can just think of an answer in your head, and check it as you go along. Don't worry if you say the "proverb" in a slightly different way than shown in these answers. Over the years, there are many slightly different ways of expressing an old proverb!

If a large solid-hoofed mammal becomes available to you without compensation, refrain from casting your faculty for seeing into the oral cavity of such a creature.


Reveal Answer

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!


Each vaporous mass suspended in the firmament has an interior decoration of metallic hue.


Reveal Answer

Every cloud has a silver lining.


It is not advantageous to place the sum total of your barnyard collections into the same wicker receptacle.


Reveal Answer

Don't put all your eggs in one basket!


Feathered bipeds of a kindred mind in their segregated environment associate with a high degree of amiability.


Reveal Answer

Birds of a feather flock together!


Deviation from the ordinary or common routine of existence is that which gives zest to man's cycle of existence.


Reveal Answer

Variety is the spice of life!


He who locks himself into the arms of Morpheus promptly at eventide, and starts the day before it is officially announced by the rising sun, excels in physical fitness, increases his economic assets and celebrates with remarkable efficiency.


Reveal Answer

Early to bed, and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise!


Do not traverse a structure erected to afford passage over a waterway until the time of drawing nigh unto it.


Reveal Answer

Don't cross that bridge until you come to it.


Superfluous chronological dispatch institutes riddance of valued effects.


Reveal Answer

Haste makes waste.


There’s no value to be derived from demanding attention by loud screeches over fallen white liquid derived from the lactic glands of a female bovine.


Reveal Answer

No use crying over spilled milk!


An excess of culinary experts impairs the quality of a thin derivative of meat.


Reveal Answer

Too many cooks spoil the broth!


A body of persons abiding in a domicile of silica combined with metallic oxides should not carelessly project small geological specimens.


Reveal Answer

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!


(Speaking of throwing things, take a minute now to learn more about how to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle )

A canine which gives vent to his sentiments by a series of vocal efforts, rarely finds use of his bicuspids.


Reveal Answer

His bark is worse than his bite!


A vessel under optical supervision never reaches the temperature of 212 degrees.


Reveal Answer

A watched pot never boils!


A consolidated mass which forms the earth's crust, and which progresses by turning over upon its surface without slipping, does not successfully gather together a cryptogamous plant.
A mobile section of petrified matter agglomerates no bryophytes.


Reveal Answer

A rolling stone gathers no moss!


The placement of the termination as precedent of the commencement should never be assessed.


Reveal Answer

The ends do not justify the means!


Never situate the conveyance and its accouterments forward of the perambulating, ambulatory equine.


Reveal Answer

Don't put the cart before the horse!


A chronic disposition to inquiry deprived the domestic feline carnivorous quadruped of its vital quality.


Reveal Answer

Curiosity killed the cat.


An individual who vacillates when there is need of action will find himself beyond the hope of future success.


Reveal Answer

He who hesitates, loses.


Refrain from enumerating your poultry precursory to their incubation and emergence from their embryonic habitat.


Reveal Answer

Don't count your chickens before they are hatched!


Exercise your visual facilities prior to executing a jump.


Reveal Answer

Look before you leap!


A feathered biped in the terminal part of the arm equals in value a pair of feathered bipeds in densely branched shrubbery.


Reveal Answer

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


Everything is legitimate in matters pertaining to ardent affection and armed conflict between nations.


Reveal Answer

All's fair in love and war!


The herbage is customarily more verduous on the diametrical selvage of the property barrier.


Reveal Answer

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.


Exercise your visual facilities prior to executing a jump.


Reveal Answer

Look before you leap.


A single unit of a seam properly distributed at the correct measure of duration will maintain a square root of 81.


Reveal Answer

A stitch in time saves nine!


Any object that ascends into the stratosphere irrevocably and inevitably descends to terra firma.


Reveal Answer

What goes up, must come down!


Taciturnity is aurous.


Reveal Answer

Silence is golden!


Splintered wood and mineral chunks can rupture my skeletal system, but nomenclatures do not injure me.


Reveal Answer

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.


An amorous attraction to a financial medium of exchange is the source of everything sinful.


Reveal Answer

Love of money is the root of all evil.


Visualizing is the equivalent to having faith.


Reveal Answer

Seeing is believing.


Pulchritude pertains solely to the epidermis.


Reveal Answer

Beauty is only skin deep.


Immature homo sapiens should be endowed with visibility but not oral facilities.


Reveal Answer

Children should be seen and not heard.


If primary failure is imminent, new attempts should be made repetitiously.


Reveal Answer

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!


A ferrous alloy rope fashioned of interlocking loops is only as hearty as its least potent section.


Reveal Answer

A chain is only as potent as its weakest link.


One more than one is a congenial group of invited guests, but one more than two is a multitude.


Reveal Answer

Two's company, three's a crowd.


Hemoglobin is more viscous than H2O


Reveal Answer

Blood is thicker than water.


Perambulate in moccasins, and shoulder a gargantuan wooden rail.


Reveal Answer

Walk softly and carry a big stick.


Allow somnolent quadrupeds that are homo sapiens' greatest comrades to remain reclining.


Reveal Answer

Let sleeping dogs lie.


Lack of what is required is the matriarch of inspiration.


Reveal Answer

Necessity is the mother of invention.


A maximum amount of purposeful activity and a minimum amount of disport and dalliance cause Jack to become a dim-witted, stagnant dunce of the male species.


Reveal Answer

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.


That which is acquired without difficulty is dispersed with equal facility.


Reveal Answer

Easy come, easy go.


It is more desirable to arrive in the medium of time which constitutes a later than desirable hour or date than not to arrive at all.


Reveal Answer

Better late than never.


A red fruit of the Maius family absorbed into the digestive system every 1,440 minutes or 86,400 seconds, keeps a physician from your presence.


Reveal Answer

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

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