Web Policies

Web Policies

Table of Contents


Medical Advice Disclaimer

It is not the intention of NIEHS to provide specific medical advice, but rather to provide users with information to better understand their health and their diagnosed disorders. Specific medical advice will not be provided, and NIEHS urges you to consult with a qualified physician for diagnosis and for answers to your personal questions.

General Disclaimers

NIEHS does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, processes, or services. The views and opinions expressed on the NIEHS website do not necessarily state or reflect those of the U.S. Government, and they may not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Pop-up advertisements encountered while visiting the NIEHS website were most likely produced by other websites you visited or by third party software installed on your computer. NIEHS does not endorse or recommend products or services that may appear in such pop-up advertisements.

Much of the information on the NIEHS website is in the public domain and may be used and reproduced without specific permission, however, any reproduction should contain proper acknowledgement to NIEHS including a reference to the website. Certain material on this website, and on other government websites to which NIEHS provides links, is used under license, however, may not be in the public domain. Users should check with the contacts for specific sections of the NIEHS website, as well as the permissions policies of external websites to find out the terms under which the information found there can be used or reproduced.

Links to and Comments from External Sites

The NIEHS website has links to many external websites. NIEHS cannot guarantee the privacy or security of information users provide to linked, external websites. NIEHS is not responsible for the availability or content of these external websites, nor does NIEHS endorse, warrant or guarantee the products, services, or information described or offered at these external websites.

NIEHS also embeds video and multimedia from external websites. If you choose to play multimedia from external websites, the privacy and digital accessibility policies of those websites will apply.

NIH Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy: Third-Party Sites and Applications

Third-Party Websites and Applications

URL shorteners: NIEHS uses bit.ly, go.usa.gov, and other services to shorten long URLs for use in email messages, Twitter feeds and on Facebook webpages. These services generally collect and provide data on how often email recipients, Facebook and Twitter-users click on the shortened URLs distributed by NIEHS. These analytics show how many people clicked on the URLs posted by NIEHS compared to the total number of clicks on the shortened URLs. Analytics do not provide any personally identifiable information about the visitors who opened the shortened links.

Facebook: NIEHS has a Facebook webpage. On NIEHS Facebook webpage, NIEHS staff posts news and other items of interest to citizens. If you have a Facebook account or 'Like' NIEHS Facebook webpages, you can post comments or click on the 'like' option for individual entries. If you comment or click on the 'like' button, personally identifying information will be visible to NIEHS staff and other Facebook website visitors. The amount of visible personal information will depend on your own Facebook privacy settings. You can completely avoid displaying any personally identifiable information by not creating an account, not posting comments and not clicking on the 'like' options in Facebook. NIEHS staff does not collect, use or disclose any information about visitors who comment or 'like' NIEHS Facebook websites. Facebook collects and reports on non-personally identifiable information about activities on Facebook webpages. This information is password protected and only available to NIEHS managers, members of NIEHS Communications and Web Teams, and other designated staff who require this information to perform their duties. The Facebook privacy policy is available.

X: NIEHS uses X (formerly Twitter) to send short messages (up to 140 characters) to share information about NIEHS with visitors and respond to comments and inquiries sent via X to NIEHS. While visitors may read NIEHS X feeds without subscribing to them, visitors who want to subscribe to (or follow) NIEHS X feeds must create a X account at www.x.com. To create an account, you must provide some personal information, such as name, user name, password and email address. Visitors have the option to provide additional personal information including a short biography, location or a picture. Most information you provide for a X account is available to the public, but you can modify how much of your information is visible by changing your privacy settings at the x.com website. NIEHS staff members monitor the number of subscribers and respond to comments and queries via X, but the staff never takes possession of the personal information belonging to X followers. NIEHS does not collect, maintain, disclose or share any information about people who follow NIEHS on X. The X privacy policy is available.

YouTube: NIEHS posts videos on YouTube and uses videos from YouTube on our website. You do not need to register with either YouTube or Google (YouTube owner) to watch NIEHS videos. When visitors watch videos, YouTube may record non-personally identifiable information about its website usage, such as channels used, videos watched, and data transfer details to improve its services. If you log on to the YouTube website before watching NIEHS videos, YouTube may associate information about your website use with your YouTube account. If you log on to YouTube and comment on an NIEHS video, any personal information you included when registering for your account will be visible to visitors who click on the comment. If you do not log in before watching NIEHS videos posted on YouTube, your website use will not be associated with you or a YouTube account. The YouTube privacy policy is available.

Google Maps: NIEHS uses Google Maps to create interactive maps on our website. You do not need to register with either Google to use NIEHS maps. When visitors load maps, Google may record non-personally identifiable information about its website usage, such as clicks made, zooms in and out, searches, and data transfer details to improve its services. If you log on to the Google website before loading NIEHS maps, Google may associate information about your website use with your Google account. If you do not log in before using NIEHS maps enabled by Google, your website use will not be associated with you or a Google account. The Google privacy policy is available.

GitHub: NIEHS staff post code and other scientific analysis methods of interest to other scientists and informaticians. GitHub provides another mechanism to draw attention to the published code or analytical methods developed by NIEHS scientists. The amount of visible personal information depends on your own GitHub privacy settings. You can completely avoid displaying any personal information by not creating an account, not posting code or other scientific information, and not creating a repository. NIEHS staff users control their own accounts and what information is shared.

Web Accessibility/Section 508

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIEHS is making every effort to ensure that the information available on our website is digitally accessible to all. If you use special adaptive equipment to access the Web and encounter problems when using our website, please let us know.

Write to: webcenter@niehs.nih.gov and we will attempt to provide the information to you in a suitable format. It would be helpful if you can be as specific as possible when describing the information you seek.

If you prefer to call, our main number is 919-541-3345.

If you need help accessing a PDF document, Adobe® offers conversion tools at its Accessibility Resource Center.

For help with Microsoft® products, visit their accessibility webpage.

For NIH employees, who need assistance with web accessibility/section 508, please contact the equal employment opportunity officer in your institute.

To learn more about the regulations governing the web accessibility/section 508 of Federal electronic information products, visit the United States Access Board or the official Section 508 webpage.

Thanks for using the NIEHS website.


Questions about NIEHS Internet policies should be sent to: webcenter@niehs.nih.gov.

Purpose, Character of Use, and Authorization for the NIEHS Kids' Pages 

The NIEHS Kids' Pages is a government (non-profit) educational website authorized by a 1997 Presidential Memorandum. It is designed to:

  • teach children about the connections between their health and the environment;
  • encourage children to pursue careers in health, science, and the environment;
  • explain the mission of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; and
  • assist children in learning to read and master challenging mathematics and science.

The NIEHS Kids' Pages include a wide variety of fun activities designed to attract children to this website where they can learn about the impact of the environment on human health, the NIEHS mission, and possible careers in health, medicine, science, mathematics, and the environment.

So why do we include a Sing-Along section?

How is that "educationally" relevant?

In support of the White House Memorandum guidelines that were issued, the Sing-Along pages are included because sing-along activities are particularly useful for motivating young children to learn to read and to improve their reading skills. Since starting the site we have received numerous letters from educators and other visitors supporting the value of sing-along materials as an educational tool; many others also indicated that the music site is particularly helpful for children and adults with special needs.

We greatly appreciate the input and ideas we have received from parents, teachers, and caretakers about how our site can help with educational initiatives. More information and tools relating to the educational purpose of music can be found at The Educational Benefits of Music , including links to Songs for Teaching. In addition, here are a few excerpts on this subject that were taken from our visitors' email messages:

  • "Most of my kids are poor readers BECAUSE reading was something 'you must do because I say so' and not because it's fun. Their environment never taught them that reading is fun. That's my job. And thanks to your site, I'm able to do my job better."
  • "I have been NYS certified in both Special Education and Educating the Emotionally Disturbed for over twenty-five years. I have worked in reformatories for teenage boys and girls (where I am currently employed), public schools, and a NYS prison. Music is a universal language—cross cultural, multi-ethnic, etc. Most of our troubled youth (all income brackets, all ethnic groups, racial groups, etc.) are often difficult to reach because teachers/social workers/caring adults do not have a common language with these youngsters. Music, and music lyrics, are an excellent first step in establishing communications. By using the lyrics on your site, I have been able to capture my students' interests. From there I can lead them to vocabulary improvement, poetic ideas, dealing with feelings—in short, coping with reality, even if it is an ugly reality."

All of the materials presented on this website were collected from other online resources and are used solely for non-commercial educational purposes. No commercial gains will be generated by the contents of this website and materials herein are considered to be available to NIEHS for use solely in a non-profit manner as an educational tool for children. No harmful effect on the market is anticipated and, if anything, it is our understanding that organizations or entities represented by these materials might inadvertently be helped by their inclusion on this site. If you have any concerns with our use of any of these materials, please so that we can rectify the situation. (Also see Music Assistance, and Assistance, Privacy Policies, Accessibility Issues, Copyrights, and Other Disclaimers.)

White House Press Release of April 18, 1997 (presented below), authorizes the development of this website.


White House Press Release

Office of the Press Secretary

April 18,1997

Subject: Expanding Access to Internet-based Educational Resources for Children, Teachers, and Parents

My number one priority for the next 4 years is to make sure that all Americans have the best education in the world.

One of the goals of my Call to Action for American Education is to bring the power of the Information Age into all of our schools. This will require connecting every classroom and library to the Internet by the year 2000; making sure that every child has access to modern, multimedia computers; giving teachers the training they need to be as comfortable with the computer as they are with the chalkboard; and increasing the availability of high-quality educational content. When America meets the challenge of making every child technologically literate, children in rural towns, the suburbs, and inner city schools will have the same access to the same universe of knowledge.

I believe that Federal agencies can make a significant contribution to expanding this universe of knowledge. Some agencies have already launched a number of exciting projects in this area. The White House has a special "White House for Kids" home page with information on the history of the White House. NASA's K-12 initiative allows students to interact with astronauts and to share in the excitement of scientific pursuits such as the exploration of Mars and Jupiter and with experiments conducted on the Space Shuttle. The AskERIC service (Education Resources Information Center), supported by the Department of Education, has a virtual library of more than 900 lesson plans for K-12 teachers, and provides answers to questions from educators within 48 hours— using a nationwide network of experts and databases of the latest research. Students participating in the Vice President's GLOBE project (Global Learning and Observation for a Better Environment) collect actual atmospheric, aquatic, and biological data and use the Internet to share, analyze, and discuss the data with scientists and students all over the world. With support from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Defense's CAETI program (Computer-Aided Education and Training Initiative), the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory has developed a program that allows high school students to request and download their own observations of the universe from professional telescopes.

We can and should do more, however. Over the next 3 months, you should determine what resources you can make available that would enrich the Internet as a tool for teaching and learning, and produce and make available a new or expanded version of your service within 6 months.

You should use the following guidelines to support this initiative:

  • Consider a broad range of educational resources, including multimedia publications, archives of primary documents, networked scientific instruments such as telescopes and supercomputers, and employees willing to serve as tele-mentors or answer student and teacher questions.
  • Expand access not only to the information and other resources generated internally, but by the broader community of people and institutions that your agency works with and supports. For example, science agencies should pursue partnerships with professional societies, universities, and researchers to expand K-12 access to scientific resources.
  • Update and improve your services in response to comments from teachers and students, and encourage educators to submit curricula and lesson plans that they have developed using agency material.
  • Focus on the identification and development of high-quality educational resources that promote high standards of teaching and learning in core subjects. Of particular importance are resources that will help students read well and independently by 4th grade, and master challenging mathematics, including algebra and geometry, by 8th grade.
  • Make sure the material you develop is accessible to people with disabilities. Earlier this month, I announced my support for the Web Accessibility Initiative, a public-private partnership that will make it easier for people with disabilities to use the World Wide Web.

I am also directing the Department of Education to develop a "Parents Guide to the Internet," that will explain the educational benefits of this exciting resource, as well as steps that parents can take to minimize the risks associated with the Internet, such as access to material that is inappropriate for children.

The Department of Education will also be responsible for chairing an interagency working group to coordinate this initiative to ensure that the agency-created material is of high quality, is easily accessible, and promotes awareness of Internet-based educational resources among teachers, parents, and students.

Educational Benefits of Music 

Assistance, Privacy Policies, Accessibility Issues, Copyrights, and Other Disclaimers

If you need assistance with this site, or desire removal of or credit for anything presented on these pages, please let us know and we will immediately take care of it for you. Copyrighted materials that appear on this website were considered to be available to NIEHS for use solely in a non-profit manner and as an educational tool for children under the provisions of the Standards for Fair Use established in Rose-Acuff Music v. Campbell; but if you feel that use is not appropriate, please email us at kids@niehs.nih.gov so that we can quickly correct the problem. Emails and telephone calls 919-541-3345 are welcomed and will result in prompt responses; but if you prefer, postal correspondence should be sent to: "NIEHS Kids' Pages, NIEHS Office of Management, PO Box 12233, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709, or street address: Nottingham Hall, Room 270, 4505 Emperor Boulevard Research Triangle Park, NC 27703.

The educational, non-commercial purpose of this site and other applicable policies and disclaimers are described in further detail in the materials linked from the Index below.

Privacy Policy Notices

NIEHS conforms in full with HHS Privacy Policies and the HHS Children's Privacy Policies as stated below:

  • We collect no information about you, other than information automatically collected and stored (see below), when you visit our web site unless you choose to provide that information to us.
  • Email sent to NIEHS or other contacts linked from our site may be seen by a number of people who are responsible for answering questions. If you send an email, you are advised that email is not necessarily secure against interception. So, if your communication includes sensitive information, please contact us by postal mail or telephone rather than by email.

Children's Rights to Privacy

NIEHS is especially concerned about protecting children's privacy. We encourage parents and teachers to stay involved and in control of children's Internet explorations. It is particularly important for parents to provide guidance to their children relative to providing personal information online. NIEHS does encourage children to send email messages to NIEHS if they have questions about our website or need assistance with environmental health and sciences issues. If children request materials and include their name, email address, and/or home mailing address as part of their message, we are careful to use that information solely to personally respond to them. Providing that type of information is entirely optional, and we specifically ask children to obtain their parents' permission before providing any information online—at our site or any other site. We hope parents will always be involved in those decisions. Most importantly, when children do provide information through the NIEHS Kids' Pages website, it is only used to enable us to respond to the writer, and is not used to create profiles of any type.

Information Automatically Collected and Stored:

When you browse through any web site, certain personal information about you can be collected. We automatically collect and temporarily store the following information about your visit:

  • the name of the domain you use to access the Internet (for example, aol.com, if you are using an American Online account, or stanford.edu, if you are connecting from Stanford University's domain);
  • the date and time of your visit;
  • the pages you visited; and
  • the address of the website you came from when you came to visit.

We use this information for statistical purposes and to help us make our site more useful to visitors. Unless it is specifically stated otherwise, no additional information will be collected about you.

If You Send Us Personal Information.... 

You do not have to give us personal information to visit our web sites. If you choose to provide us with additional information about yourself through an email message, etc., we will only maintain the information as long as needed to respond to your question or to fulfill the stated purpose of the communication. However, some communications may be maintained, as required by law, for historical purposes. These communications are protected by the Privacy Act which restricts our use of them while permitting limited disclosures. Now that you know that any information you send us will be protected, you may proceed to Requests for Information or Copies.


HHS does not disclose, give, sell or transfer any personal information about our visitors, unless required for law enforcement or statute.

Intrusion Detection:

  • This site is maintained by the U.S. Government. It is protected by various provisions of Title 18, U.S. Code. Violations of Title 18 are subject to criminal prosecution in federal court.
  • For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, we employ software programs to monitor traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. In the event of authorized law enforcement investigations, and pursuant to any required legal process, information from these sources may be used to help identify an individual.

Systems of Records:

Information originally collected in traditional paper systems can be submitted electronically, i.e., electronic commerce transactions and information updates about eligibility benefits. Electronically submitted information is maintained and destroyed pursuant to the Federal Records Act, and in some cases may be subject to the Privacy Act. If information that you submit is to be used in a Privacy Act system of records, there will be a Privacy Act Notice provided.

Copyrights Disclaimer

Materials developed by NIEHS and other government agencies are considered to be in the "public domain." However, the NIEHS site also includes large volumes of non-government information and materials owned/created by others, including copyrighted materials and materials sponsored by private companies or commercial organizations. Therefore, most of the graphics, lyrics, midis, jokes, riddles, games, and other materials available from this server are protected under the U.S. and foreign Copyright laws. The copyright holders retain all rights to publish or reproduce those documents or to allow others to do so. Permission from their authors/copyright holders would be required before you could download, use, or reproduce these materials in any form, and NIEHS does not have the authority to grant such permission to you or to assist you in that regard. Some records of registrations and ownership documents (since 1978) may be available at the United States Copyright Office, Records Search, Records Search website.

Copyright laws of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) also govern the making of photocopies or other reproductions or use of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives may furnish a photocopy or other reproduction, but the photocopy or reproduction cannot be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." Therefore, all lyrics, midis, graphics, and other non-NIEHS materials on this website shall only be used for private study, scholarship, or research. If a user/visitor of this website uses a (photo)copy or reproduction of any material for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user/visitor may be liable for copyright infringement. Many items on this website do not contain individual copyright notices. The lack of a notice does not necessarily mean that the work is not protected by copyright law.

Of special note: It is not the intent of NIEHS to violate or infringe upon any copyrights. Our use is presumed to be appropriate in accordance with "Fair Use" provisions. However, if any copyrighted material has been inappropriately included on these pages, please let us know and action will be immediately taken to rectify the situation either by removing the materials or obtaining permission from the owners.

With regard to NIEHS materials, please review the Requests for Copies of NIEHS Curricular Materials and Other Educational Publications website for information about obtaining government publications. Additional information is also available about Requests to Use Non-Government Materials for Other Purposes (Copyright Restrictions), with regard to reproducing or further use or distribution of some of the non-government materials included on the NIEHS Kids' Pages website.

Fair Use Disclaimer: 

The NIEHS Kids' Pages are a Federal Government creation; therefore, our site is wholly non-commercial and non-profit in purpose. It is our understanding that the materials (music, sound clips, graphics, applets, text, etc.) included on the NIEHS Kids' Pages were available to NIEHS for use on this site as covered under the standards for Fair Use established in Rose-Acuff Music v. Campbell. The Fair Use provision applies four factors, and the material presented on the NIEHS Kids' Pages website is believed to meet those factors as follows:

  1. Purpose and Character of Use

    The NIEHS Kids' Pages are a government (non-profit) educational website designed to teach children about the connections between their health and the environment and to encourage children to pursue careers in health, science, and the environment. Visit our Purpose, Character of Use, and Authorization website for more information. No commercial gains will be generated by the contents of this website. Copyrighted materials appearing herein were considered to be available to NIEHS for use solely in a non-profit manner as an educational tool for children. However, if you or someone else deserves credit for anything on this site, or if anything here should not be presented, let us know and we'll promptly take care of it.

  2. Nature of Copyrighted Work

    The materials presented on this website, including graphics, music, sound clips, applets, text, etc., are not considered to be "vital" to any other organization or entity, and their appearance on this site is not presumed to be capable of damaging any other organizations or entities in any way. The materials on this site are all presented in a positive context. In addition, it is presumed that the use by NIEHS of any materials that may represent the work of other organizations and entities would, if anything, inadvertently help boost the popularity of those organizations or entities.

  3. Relative Amount

    There is limited use of protected materials on this site. No original soundtracks or recordings are included. However, as indicated above, please let us know if this is not the case or if there are other concerns, and the matter will be promptly rectified.

  4. Effect Upon Potential Market

    No harmful effect on the market of any other organization or entity that may be represented in any form on this website is anticipated. If anything, organizations or entities represented by materials included on the NIEHS Kids Page might inadvertently be helped by the references made herein. However, such promotions are considered to be negligible and it is not the intention of NIEHS to promote or favor any particular non-government organization or entity. Refer to the "Disclaimer of Endorsement" above.

Requests to Suggest Commercial Resources for Purchases:

The NIEHS Kids' Pages were not created as a resource for answering questions about music, locating lyrics or midis, or serving as an authority of any kind on commercial music resources. We simply provide a kids sing-along site as part of our science education website initiatives, and we usually only add songs that would be useful in educational settings. You might try a major search engine to locate such resources, using something like the following as keywords:

+order +music +"put song title here"

However, you must use your own best judgement before placing orders online or by any other means. NIEHS cannot guarantee that the companies that you locate during an Internet search are reputable, will protect your privacy, or will provide the product that you're seeking.

Web Policies

For more on Cookies, Links to and Comments from External Sites, Accessibility, General Disclaimers, and Medical Disclaimers, please visit NIEHS Web Policies.


NIEHS's policy is to use externally produced material (graphics, text, etc.) on our web site only with permission of the copyright holder. If you believe material to which you have rights has been improperly included, please provide the URL to the webmaster identified as contact for the page on which the material appears or to the NIEHS Kids Pages (kids@niehs.nih.gov).


Text (excluding lyrics, riddles, brainteasers, and jokes) appearing on NIEHS web pages was either prepared by employees of the United States Government as part of their official duties and therefore not subject to copyright or prepared under contracts that gave the NIEHS the right to place the text into the public domain. The same is true of most publications available for downloading from this website. You may freely copy that material and, at your discretion, credit NIEHS with a "Courtesy: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences" notation. If copyrighted text is included on an NIEHS web page or in an NIEHS publication, it will be specifically identified. For information about copyright holders, how they can be contacted, and what, if any, use those owners allow of their material, please provide the URL to the webmaster identified as contact for the page on which the text or download link appears. If no contact is given, contact the NIEHS Kids Web (kids@niehs.nih.gov).

If you would like to make NIEHS information available from your site, please provide a link to the page or document rather than copying the information to your site. This will assure that your users have the latest information from NIEHS.


With the exception of NIEHS logos, permission to use NIEHS graphics is granted on a case-by-case basis. Some are public domain, some are created by NIEHS contractors, and some are used by NIEHS with specific permission granted by the owner. Therefore photos and illustrations found on the NIEHS website should not be reused without permission.

For information about the copyright holders of a given photo or illustration on the NIEHS web site, how the owners can be contacted, and what, if any, use those owners allow of their material, please provide the URL and file name to the webmaster identified as contact for the page on which the photo or illustration appears. If no contact is given, contact the NIEHS Kids Web (kids@niehs.nih.gov).

Granting the right to use a graphic from the NIEHS web site does not explicitly or implicitly convey NIEHS's endorsement of the site where it is used. If an NIEHS image includes an identifiable person, using the image may infringe that person's right of privacy or publicity, and permission should be obtained from the person. Once you receive confirmation from us that a graphic is available for use, you may, at your discretion, credit NIEHS with a "Courtesy: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences" notation.

Credits to Others or Requests for Removal of Materials

If you deserve credit for anything on this site, or if anything here should not be presented for any reason, please immediately and we'll take care of it!


If you send us personal information when requesting copies, information, or other assistance, you do not have to give us personal information. If you choose to provide us with additional information about yourself through an email message, form, survey, etc., we will only maintain the information as long as needed to respond to your question or to fulfill the stated purpose of the communication. However, some communications may be maintained, as required by law, for historical purposes. If you intend to request mailed copies of any NIEHS materials, please first familiarize yourself with our Privacy Policies, which restricts our use of any information we receive from you.

Link Requests

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is a federal facility involved in environmental health research. Links to the NIEHS Kids' Pages are welcome, and specific approvals are not required for linking to NIEHS websites. See additional link and endorsement information on our disclaimers page.

Copies of NIEHS Materials

"NIEHS documents" are listed below.

NIEHS materials may be printed from the website or obtained in hardcopy form as described below. These documents are NOT copyrighted and MAY BE reproduced without permission for non-commercial purposes. However, we do ask that credit be given to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, HHS.

To request copies of printed booklets, go to Contact Us and select Educational Materials Request. Check the booklet or booklets you would like, fill out the form, and click on Submit.

More publications are available at:

Copies of Other Available Materials

Please visit the links provided below to obtain information about requesting copies or use of the following K–12 curricular-related documents: some materials are copyrighted and may not be reproduced.

Requests for Copyrighted Materials

NIEHS is a federal facility involved in environmental health research. We conserve our funds for our research, so we have assembled our children's website using materials and activities obtained from other online sources. Therefore, it is important to note that:

  • Most of the songs, games, riddles, jokes, and graphics displayed on our site are NOT the property of NIEHS, and are not considered to be in the "public domain" as would be the case with government materials.
  • NIEHS is a federal government agency involved in environmental health research. We are not a music resource, not involved with the music industry in any way, and have no authority to approve or assist with the copy, distribution, or purchase of music resources.
  • As indicated on our Disclaimers website, such materials are presented on the NIEHS website under the "Fair Use" provisions for use in educational settings. Please also review our Music Disclaimers.
  • Other uses of such materials are presumed to be protected by law in accordance with copyright laws of the United States (Title 17, United States Code), and NIEHS cannot assist in that regard. NIEHS has no authority to approve or provide advice relative to downloading, reproducing, or disseminating non-government materials.
  • If you or someone else deserves credit for anything on this site, or if anything here should not be presented for any reason, please immediately and the situation will be immediately corrected.

Commercial Resources Assistance 

The NIEHS Kids' Pages was not created as a resource for answering questions about music, locating lyrics or midis, or serving as an authority of any kind on commercial music resources. We simply provide a children's sing-along site as part of our educational website initiatives. You might try a major search engine to locate such resources, using something like the following as keywords:

+order +music +"put song title here'"

However, you must use your own best judgment before placing orders online. NIEHS does NOT guarantee that the companies that you locate during an Internet search will be safe, reputable, protect your privacy, or even provide the product that you are seeking.

Music Assistance

Limitations on Downloads and Other Assistance

NIEHS is a Federal government agency, not a music resource. The music and many other materials appearing on our site were not created by NIEHS and should be presumed to be copyrighted.

Therefore, NIEHS CANNOT provide any advice or assistance relative to:

  • approving the copy or distribution of these materials in any form
  • approving any other uses of the music located on this site
  • locating copyright holders or copyright information
  • locating commercial sources for purchases of any type
  • locating or furnishing midi files or sheet music
  • providing downloading instructions.

We are unable to assist with the above types of requests because our authority and expertise does not extend to those areas. The simple midis presented herein are only presented to provide the general "tune" for each song for educational use, and are not intended to serve as substitutes for the actual recordings. If you need the music for other purposes, or if you would like to hear the music at its best or in its original form, you would need to obtain the recordings or sheet music from authorized commercial sources. NIEHS cannot recommend such sources or assist in those efforts or with copyright inquiries. Copyright inquiries should be directed to the

United States Copyright Office, Records Search

website. Please also review the additional music copyright information presented below.

Music Copyrights and Intended Use

The Educational Benefits of Music: The NIEHS Kids' Pages are designed to:

  • provide safe and fun activities that help teach children to read while also introducing them to information on science, health, and environmental topics;
  • educate children, parents, teachers, and others about the environment's impact on our health and well being; and
  • encourage careers in science, health, and the environment.

If you need assistance with this site, or desire removal of, correction of, or credit for anything presented on these pages, please let us know and we will immediately take care of it for you. Copyrighted materials that appear on this website were considered to be available to NIEHS for use solely in a non-profit manner and as an educational tool for children under the provisions of the Standards for Fair Use established in Rose-Acuff Music v. Campbell; but if you feel that use is not appropriate, please send us an email at kids@niehs.nih.gov so that we can quickly correct the problem. Emails and telephone calls (919) 541-3345 are welcomed and will result in prompt prompt responses; but if you prefer, postal correspondence should be sent to: NIEHS Kids' Pages, Office of Communications & Public Liaison, P.O. Box 12233, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709. The educational, non-commercial purpose of our site is described in more detail below.

NIEHS is a federal government facility involved in environmental health research. The NIEHS Kids' Pages website is intended solely as an educational resource, and no commercial gains or losses are expected to be generated by its contents. The sing-along pages include midi files and lyrics because they can be valuable for teaching younger children to read, and they serve to introduce children to a wide range of music resources. Since we strictly conserve our funds for health research, we have assembled our children's website using materials and activities obtained from other online sources. Therefore, the songs, games, riddles, jokes, and graphics displayed on this site are NOT in the public domain, which means that the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences cannot grant permission for the copy or other use of any of the materials presented on these pages, and we cannot provide assistance to you in that regard. You would have to obtain permission directly from the creators or

copyright holders


Music Not Playing?

The music pages have been tested with Internet Explorer, and Firefox browsers and are in proper working order. In addition, we use a standard embedding format that should work effectively with most browsers and generic plug-ins. Therefore, if you cannot hear the music playing in the background of the lyrics pages, the problem may be at your desktop.

First, do the basics—check the volume control on your computer or your external speakers to be sure you have volume turned on or up high enough.

  • Adequate Memory: If you can usually hear the music playing in the background, but for some reason it has stopped working, then perhaps you have exhausted the memory required for a fairly large midi file; so try rebooting (re-starting) your computer to see if that corrects the problem.
  • If you can hear the music, but cannot see the "radio" player to turn it off or adjust the volume, this may be because your system's memory or browser cache has reached its capacity. Try rebooting and then going directly to the music site to see if that corrects the problem.

If you have tried all of the above suggestions and still can't hear the music, you need to check out your system for other possible problems.

Why Do We Offer the Sing-Alongs?

Music is an important part of our "environment" and it can affect your health, but NIEHS has primarily included this sing-along section for educational purposes.

Appropriate Songs

NIEHS has limited space and does not plan to include additional requests unless room becomes available and the song requested:

  • is appropriate for small children;
  • has a children's theme and/or an educational message;
  • is upbeat, inspirational, or motivational;
  • relates to the environment, health, science, or other educational subjects;
  • is familiar to various age groups and easy to sing;
  • does not include voices, only instrumentals;
  • is widely available elsewhere on the Internet in both midi and lyrics formats.
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