Crabby Kathy

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Story was created by the KMAC Kids 1998

Crabby Kathy: A True Story

Kathy and Jon and Sara and Boomer live in a house in the country. They like to watch the sunset on the buttes beyond. Kathy is never crabby when she watches the sun nest in the pink and purple sky.

Kathy, Jon, Sara and Boomer watch the sunset

Sometimes Kathy works in the garden. She loves the feel of the earth and the magic of the harvest. Kathy is never crabby in the autumn garden.

Kathy outside in the garden

Kathy loves the ocean, the crashing of the waves, and collecting worn shells in the soft white sand. Kathy is never crabby when she listens to the singing of the whales.

Kathy at the ocean

Sometimes Kathy takes Jon and Sara and Boomer to the Indian caves in the desert. She loves to explore the caves with their tales long past. Kathy is never crabby spelunking in the summer.

Kathy, John, Sara and Boomer at the Indian caves

In the spring when the patchwork colors of wildflowers blanket the Table Top Mountains, Kathy catches them before they fade. Kathy is never crabby taking memories.

Kathy at Table Top Mountains, with wildflowers

When the sky is sprinkled with a billion bright stars, Kathy stands still and listens to the gentle quiet. Kathy is never crabby in the night's light.

Kathy watching bright stars at night

When winter takes its place on the mountain tops Kathy likes the cold chill of the dancing snowflakes. Kathy is never crabby watching winter's ballet.

Watching winter snowflakes fall

Kathy goes to school. She loves the kids and they love her. She's the teacher.

Kathy is the teacher at school

But most days when Kathy works in her room she gets a headache and she coughs and sneezes. Her throat hurts. Her eyes get red and she feels CRABBY

Kathy's eyes are red

POOR Kathy! The KMAC Kids and Super Sleuth Sprout set to work. They will solve the mystery of Crabby Kathy.

The KMAC Kids and Super Sleuth Sprout

The KMAC Kids take their cameras to Kathy's room and look for hazards that might be making her sick.

KMAC Kids use their cameras and other tools

They find dust.

That means mites.

The KMAC Kids find dust in the room

And cleaners with chemicals.

The KMAC Kids find spray cleaners in the room

They see a machine that makes copies.

There's a machine that makes paper copies

And a vent that brings air.

A vent brings air into the room

There are stinky pens to write with.

Markers for the board

And moms wearing perfume.

Kathy is inside the classroom, looking out

Shut-tight windows.

Smelly carpet fibers

A smell from the carpet.

Moldy carpet

And mold spores too.

Chemicals and contaminants trying to get into Kathy's immune system

Poor Kathy! No wonder she's feeling so crabby. her body's immune and detoxifying systems are working "overtime" to protect her from all the chemicals and contaminants in her room.

Kathy's smiling now. No more watery eyes.

Open the windows! Change the filter, move the copier and buy new pens. Dust for mites. Don't wear perfume. Drink pure water, eat real healthy and exercise too. Be like Kathy! Good as new!

More about Kathy and the KMAC Kids 1998
Background and Epilogue

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