What Could It Be, Beverly?
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Story was created by the KMAC Kids 1999-2000

Beverly lived with her dog Midnight, her dad Ray, her mom Phyllis and her brothers, David and Paul. They loved their house in the piney woods of Hidden Valley.

Midnight loved them all.

On warm days Beverly and her brothers would play on the steep hill behind their house. Sometimes when the sun shown down between the tall trees they tossed their sweaters on prickly boughs and built forts

or dug tunnels in the soft earth

or played hide and seek. The air in the piney woods was filled with laughter.

When the air turned sharp and the piney woods wore a blanket of white,

Beverly and her brothers found new games to play. They made puppets from socks.

They played jacks, in front of the fire.

And they read good books to a friend. Beverly and her dad, Ray and her mom, Phyllis and her brothers, David and Paul were happy. Midnight loved them all.

One night when the moon was full and the snow on the piney woods blew quiet Beverly woke with a fright. She felt sick and scared. Her head pounded. She felt funny inside.
What could it be, Beverly?

The next morning her dad, Ray and her mom, Phyllis and her brothers, David and Paul felt sick too.
Midnight stayed asleep in his bed.
What could it be, Beverly?

The doctor said, "Maybe your family's been touched by the flu. It's going around you know."
What could it be, Beverly?

"Or maybe it's Midnight," the doctor said, "Pets give off dander, you know."
What could it be, Beverly?

"Or the chemicals you clean with or use to kill pests can also cause problems, especially for kids who are small." What could it be, Beverly?

"Or perhaps there's mold growing somewhere in the house. Stachybotrys (Stack-ee-BOT-ris) you say."
What could it be, Beverly?

"Or lead in the paint. That can make you sick! It can even make it hard to learn."
What could it be, Beverly?

After a few days, Beverly's brothers went outside for a bit. Beverly watched from the window. She felt confused and sad.
What could it be, Beverly?

The whole family still wheezed and coughed. They all had sore throats and lots of ear infections. Beverly felt dizzy and most nights her heart pounded and she had terrible dreams.
What could it be, Beverly?

Beverly was too tired to read and her tummy felt sick all the time.
What could it be, Beverly?

Beverly's family was falling apart. They were all angry and argued a lot.
What could it be, Beverly?

The laughter in the piney woods was still. Midnight stayed asleep in his box.
What could it be, Beverly?

What could it be, Beverly?

If you would like to be a KMAC Sleuth, study the ToxRAP map and the EPA Health Problem List to look for clues.
Or continue with the story if you want the KMAC Kids and Super Sleuth Sprout to solve the mystery for you.

Beverly's mom was reading one day. The article made her shriek. There on the page were their symptoms, all right. Carbon Monoxide! A poisonous gas with no smell... and other things too that can make you sick, like a faulty furnace or stove!
What could it be, Beverly?

A man came that day to check the furnace. He told Beverly's family they were lucky indeed. "Lucky to be alive." Carbon monoxide is a nasty, odorless gas. It steals the oxygen you need for life. And along with a faulty furnace, it can make you so very sick!

Beverly and her dad, Ray and her mom, Phyllis and her brothers, David and Paul long remembered their days in the piney woods of Hidden Valley, Colorado. They laughed and rejoiced and felt grateful to be alive.
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