Weather Experiment
Weather Experiment
Weather ExperimentWeather Prediction

For this experiment, you are the scientist. You will record what you observe. Then you will study the data.
First, predict what the weather will be like for the next week. Use what you already know. What season and month is it? Where do you live? If you live where the climate is dry, you might not expect much rain. If it’s winter, you might expect it to be cold every day. Write down your prediction.
Now comes the observation part of the experiment. At the end of every day, write down what the weather was like that day. Write down how hot or cold it was, how cloudy, and if there was rain or snow. Include anything unusual that you might not have expected, like fog or hail. Did the weather change during the day?
At the end of the week, compare your prediction with what you recorded. How did you do? Was the weather a lot like what you predicted, or were there some surprises?
Long-Range Prediction
Now pick a week that will be in another season, months away. Mark it down on a calendar or pick a week that’s easy to remember, like the first week of school or the week of your birthday. Right now, make a prediction for that week, and write it down. When that week comes, record the weather every day. Compare it to your long-range prediction. How did you do? It’s a lot harder predicting what the weather will be like months ahead!
More About Your Weather
Go to to find out a lot more about the weather today and in the future. Look under Local forecast by "City, St." Type in your Zip code or the name of your town or city and the two-letter abbreviation for the state. Click on “go.”
There’s lots of weather information on the page you’ll see - forecasts, and current conditions.