My Hand on My Head
My Hand on My Head
Written by Unknown Copyright Unknown. Believed to have begun as an old German folksong.
My hand on my head,
What have I here?
This is my top-notcher,
My Mama dear
Top-notcher, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)
My hand on my brow,
What have I here?
This is my sweat boxer,
My Mama dear
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)
My hand on my eye,
What have I here?
This is my eye blinker,
My Mama dear
Eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)
My hand on my nose,
What have I here?
This is my smell sniffer,
My Mama dear
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)
My hand on my mustache,
What have I here?
This is my soup strainer,
My Mama dear
Soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)
My hand on my mouth,
What have I here?
This is my food grinder,
My Mama dear
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom!
My hand on my chin,
What have I here?
This is my chin chopper,
My Mama dear
Chin chopper,
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)
My hand on my chest,
What have I here?
This is my air blower,
My Mama dear
Air blower, chin chopper,
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)
My hand on my stomach,
What have I here?
This is my bread basket,
My Mama dear
Bread basket,
Air blower, chin chopper,
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)
My hand on my lap,
What have I here?
This is my lap sitter,
My Mama dear
Lap sitter, bread basket,
Air blower, chin chopper,
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)
My hand on my knee,
What have I here?
This is my knee bender,
My Mama dear
Knee bender,
Lap sitter, bread basket,
Air blower, chin chopper,
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)
My hand on my foot,
What have I here?
This is my foot stomper,
My Mama dear
Foot stomper, knee bender,
Lap sitter, bread basket,
Air blower, chin chopper,
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)

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The Guidelines describe the types and amounts of physical activity that offer substantial health benefits to Americans.
Your body, from head to toe, uses water in many different ways—and it comes out as urine, sweat, and tears. Water is in your blood and your saliva and actually in every cell in your body! Check out a chart about Water in Your Body to find out more.