Let's All Sing Like the Birdies Sing
Written by: Robert Hargreaves, Stanley J. Damerell and Tolchard Evans (1932)
Let's all sing like the birdies sing,
Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet tweet.
Let's all sing like the birdies sing,
Sweet, sweet sweet, sweet sweet.
Let's all warble like nightingales,
Give your throat a treat.
Take your time from the birds,
Now you all know the words,
Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet tweet.
Let's all sing like the birdies sing,
Bubbaboo ba-bubbaboo ba-boo.
Let's all sing like the birdies sing,
Tweet tweet tweet - my that bird sings sweetly.
Let's all warble like nightingales,
Ah, Mimi...c'est magnifique!
Take your time from the birds,
Now you all know the words
Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet tweet
Let's all sing like the birdies sing,
Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet tweet.
Let's all sing like the birdies sing,
Sweet, sweet sweet, sweet sweet.
Let's all warble like nightingales,
Give your throat a treat.
Take your time from the birds,
Now you all know the words,
Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet tweet.

L'Oie Toulouse? Qui, Moi?
About three years ago, a white Canada goose (Branta canadensis canadensis) or perhaps an imposter appeared on our NIEHS campus.
Being Single is "Not for the Birds"! – Canada Geese
This update is for those of you who are still young enough to remember. The White Goose (WG), known around campus and in the local press, as Toulouse, has spent many hours at NIEHS over the course of 4 plus years.