A Food Poem Puzzle
What is It?
(A Food Poem Puzzle for You!)
Here is a poem about how to fuel your body! Some words have been left out. Read the poem, and fill in the missing words as you go by clicking on the box with your mouse, and then typing in the correct word. Choose the right word for each space from the Word Bank. The last word, for the last verse, is NOT in the Word Bank, but we bet YOU'LL be able to guess what it is!
The Word Bank!
Mom says eat your veggies. Now add nutritious foods Breads and rice and cereals, |
Beans and seeds build muscles, If you'd like some candy, The foods you choose as , |
At the end of this page, you'll find a place where you can check your answers
Read more about your diet below.
How much fat is hidden in your favorite foods?
Try This!
- Cut a grocery bag to make a large flat sheet.
- Fold the sheet to make at least eight equal squares.
- In each square, write the name of a food you would like to test for fat content.
- Predict whether each food has fat by writing FAT or NO FAT on the edge of each square.
- Find and place similar-sized pieces of food on the squares with their names.
The next day, remove the foods and check for fats by holding the sheet up to the light. If any squares are dark and shiny, oil has soaked into the paper and made it translucent. The more oil on the brown paper, the more fat in your food.
Were there any surprises?
Not such a new issue...
People always have looked for ways to keep their food from spoiling while it is being stored. One way is to remove most of the water from food by allowing it to dry, or dehydrate. The ancient Egyptians, native American groups, and even early American settlers dried foods to keep them for longer periods of time. Dehydration makes it harder for microbes to grow on food and cause it to spoil. It also makes food lighter and easier to store and transport. Today, we still dry foods to preserve them. for example, most foods for astronauts are dehydrated. Can you think of more examples?
Mom says eat your veggies, Now add nutritious DAIRY foods to make strong teeth and bones. There's chocolate milk and cheeses, and even ice cream cones! Breads and rice and cereals, |
Beans and seeds build muscles, If you'd like some candy, The foods you choose as FUEL, |