Skin Wise

Skin Wise

What is It?

(A Poem Puzzle for You!)

Here is a poem about an important part of your body. Some words have been left out. Read the poem, and fill in the missing words as you go by clicking on the box with your mouse, and then typing in the correct word. Choose the right word for each space from the Word Bank. The last word, for the last verse, is NOT in the Word Bank, but we bet YOU'LL be able to guess what it is!  

It holds me tight,
won't let me go.
It covers me
From head to

It keeps my insides
safe and clean,
and keeps out germs
not even

It wrinkles up
each time I smile,
or cry or frown,
once in a

It goes with me
outdoors for fun.
But it can hurt
from too much

It comes in shapes
and colors, too.
Your own is special,
just for

Mine's on my face,
my arm and shin,
my front and back...
It is my

Want some help?

Don't forget you can visit the Word Bank to choose words for the first five verses!
You'll have to get the last one on your own!


The Word Bank!


Poem Puzzle!
Read more about your skin and learn about thumb prints below.
Then check your poem answers.


Skinwise logo

The picture below shows a drawing of skin from the human scalp. You have around 5 million hair follicles on your body! The top layer of skin is the epidermis. The lower layer of skin is the dermis. There are also nerves, sweat glands, oil glands, blood vessels, hair, and hair follicles. Sweat glands help keep you cool. Oil glands keep your skin from getting dry. The outside part of skin is made of flakes of dead cells.

Look at or feel your elbow—can you figure out why it looks wrinkled sometimes?

drawing of skin from the human scalp

Thumb prints

Another aspect of your skin!

The ancient Chinese used fingerprints to identify people more than 1,200 years ago, and the practice still continues.

  1. Make a thumb print that you can keep!
    Rub a pencil on a piece of paper until you make a solid dark spot about 2-3 cm in diameter.
  2. Rub your fingertip or thumb over the spot.
  3. Now, stick a piece of clear tape over the smudge on your fingertip.
  4. Stick the tape onto a piece of paper.
thumb rubbed with a pencil


It holds me tight,
won't let me go.
It covers me
From head to TOE!

It keeps my insides
safe and clean,
and keeps out germs
not even SEEN!

It wrinkles up
each time I smile,
or cry or frown,
once in a WHILE!

It goes with me
outdoors for fun.
But it can hurt
from too much SUN

It comes in shapes
and colors, too.
Your own is special,
just for YOU!

Mine's on my face,
my arm and shin,
my front and back...
It is my SKIN!

My Health My World Explorations for Children and Adults are publications of the Center for Educational Outreach at Baylor College of Medicine, made possible by a grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. For more information, contact Center for Educational Outreach, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX.
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