We Can Make a Difference
We are students at Islands Elementary School in Savannah, Georgia. We are learning about the Earth's climate. We are part of the GLOBE program. We use computers and the Internet to share our measurements with other students and scientists. Every day we measure air temperature and rainfall near our school.
All of us together are looking for answers about the Earth's climate. We would like to know how our climate could be changing. What do you think?
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore came up with the idea of a worldwide program on the Earth's environment. He thought that students and teachers in every country could get involved.
Students and teachers from over 3,000 schools in 44 countries are working with scientists to learn more about our planet. Find out how you can be a part of the worldwide GLOBE program. You and your teacher can call the GLOBE program at 1-800-858-9947. You can also visit the Globe Program online.
Here's a picture of our school at work!