Whiskers and the 2002-2003 KMAC Kids
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The KMAC Kids 2002-2003 remind us all that kids and cats have many things in common...Be cautious with the chemicals that you use in your home and garden!

The What's Wrong with Whiskers is a story created by the KMAC Kids 2002-2003 as funded by a grant from the California Wellness Foundation (TCWF) to improve the health of the people of California by making grants for health promotion, wellness education, and disease prevention programs. KMAC stands for: Kids Making A Connection, Health & the Environment. KMAC activities were originally supported by an NIEHS grant in K-12 environmental health science education, "Toxrap" Network. You can learn more about NIEHS educational grant programs at the NIEHS K-12 Teacher Enhancement and Development, Environmental Health Sciences K-12 Education Grants materials, and the NIEHS K-12 Initiatives websites.
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